There are 313 patents under the name "Apple" that include Steve Jobs' name on the inventor list. Including patents for packaging, according to a recent New York Times article by Shan Carter.
Are you surprised?
The fact is, packaging should be considered and designed as the product is being developed. Often, packaging is the last thing considered, an afterthought. But not at Apple; Jobs understands that the perfect vehicle in which to market an innovative product is an innovative package. Various boxes and cradles for iPods and iPhones are included in the packaging patents in which Jobs had input. Other items with Jobs' stamp on them range from early iMac monitor and keyboard designs to the glass staircase found in many Apple stores.
I read a piece in todays' National Institute of Standards and Technology's Manufacturing Innovation Blog by guest poster, Louis Foreman, CEO of Edison Nation. Foreman's post is entitled "The Importance of American Innovation", in which he discusses the role of innovation in job creation, as well as in keeping the jobs we already have in America.
Steve Jobs and many other American innovators (Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, W. Edwards Deming, Jonas Salk) have set the bar high for innovation in products and manufacturing systems still in use today - in fact, many products which a vast majority of our population has never lived without. We're still in innovation mode here in America and there is little doubt that Foreman's prescription of innovation to save and create jobs will help our country's prosperity in a big way.
The impact of innovation on our economy cannot be underestimated. For more about innovation in packaging, please visit: Intercept Value

Intercept Technology Packaging products fit within a sustainability strategy because they are reusable, recyclable, do not contain or use volatile components (No VOCs, Not a VCI) and leave a smaller carbon footprint than most traditional protective packaging products.
Liberty Intercept Blog
Packaging Innovation and Steve Jobs
Posted by Elaine Spitz on Sep 1, 2011 6:04:00 AM
Are you surprised?
The fact is, packaging should be considered and designed as the product is being developed. Often, packaging is the last thing considered, an afterthought. But not at Apple; Jobs understands that the perfect vehicle in which to market an innovative product is an innovative package. Various boxes and cradles for iPods and iPhones are included in the packaging patents in which Jobs had input. Other items with Jobs' stamp on them range from early iMac monitor and keyboard designs to the glass staircase found in many Apple stores.
I read a piece in todays' National Institute of Standards and Technology's Manufacturing Innovation Blog by guest poster, Louis Foreman, CEO of Edison Nation. Foreman's post is entitled "The Importance of American Innovation", in which he discusses the role of innovation in job creation, as well as in keeping the jobs we already have in America.
Steve Jobs and many other American innovators (Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, W. Edwards Deming, Jonas Salk) have set the bar high for innovation in products and manufacturing systems still in use today - in fact, many products which a vast majority of our population has never lived without. We're still in innovation mode here in America and there is little doubt that Foreman's prescription of innovation to save and create jobs will help our country's prosperity in a big way.
The impact of innovation on our economy cannot be underestimated. For more about innovation in packaging, please visit: Intercept Value
Intercept Technology Packaging products fit within a sustainability strategy because they are reusable, recyclable, do not contain or use volatile components (No VOCs, Not a VCI) and leave a smaller carbon footprint than most traditional protective packaging products.
Topics: American manufacturing, packaging innovation
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