Liberty Intercept Blog

Packaging the IEEE - an Association for Excellence in Electronics

Posted by Joe Spitz on Jan 29, 2013 10:03:00 AM

“We solve product reliability issues with our Intercept Technology barrier packaging” is one of my elevator speeches. Because of this association with and passion for reliability issues, Liberty Packaging is a member of the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) and the Reliability Society, a technical Society within the IEEE, the world’s leading association for the advancement of technology. The New York City headquartered IEEE is dedicated to the advancement of technical innovation and excellence. It boasts over 400,000 members in more than 140 counties.  The Reliability Society has 24 chapters and members in 60 countries worldwide. The Boston/New Hampshire/Rhode Island IEEE chapter whose meetings I attend, is recognized as one of the top three most active chapters worldwide every year. That recognition is a credit to its dedicated volunteer officers.

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Topics: American manufacturing, corrosion, boston, IEEE, reliability, quality

Best Packaging for Electronics: Then and Now

Posted by Joe Spitz on Jan 8, 2013 10:13:00 PM

While cleaning out the office this holiday season, we came across our very first newsletter sent by U.S. Mail to our contacts in 1996.  Since the inception of Liberty Packaging, our basic marketing philosophy has been to share information about Intercept Technology™ packaging materials. Seventeen years later, it occurs to me that the information shared remains as valuable now to any company manufacturing electronics; devices, boards, and assembling full units. Intercept Technology barrier packaging was disruptive technology compared to the rest of the barrier products in use at that time.  

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Topics: American manufacturing, heavy duty barrier packaging, Static Intercept

How I Learned To Love Detergents

Posted by Elaine Spitz on Oct 25, 2012 9:13:00 AM

Today's post is from Liberty Packaging's Director of New Business, John Murphy, pictured at left during his days at Murnell.

Many years ago I took a considerable risk for our family business in hiring chemist Bill Drinan, away from the Butcher Wax Co., based on Bill’s impressive know-how for formulating detergent and disinfectant compounds.  I spent long hours studying  saponification (converting grease and oil to soap), and the more I learned, the more business opportunities appeared with increasing frequency.  Together Bill and I structured a program for manufacturers with the essentials for a successful detergent technology degreasing operation such as: effective products, the correct water temperature, the right dilution ratios, the best handling practices, the proper rinsing, clean solution preparation, and the right equipment.  In doing so, I was setting my future, although I didn’t realize it then. I just knew I needed to work hard enough to feed my six children.

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Topics: American manufacturing, oil, detergents, manufacturing

Our Packaging Colleague: John Murphy

Posted by Joe Spitz on Oct 23, 2012 11:52:00 AM

He’s tall. In winter time, he wears a hat from his collection of Stetsons and his face, underneath these wide brimmed cowboy-style hats, looks like Gregory Peck.  He has a deep voice to accent his command of words and concepts. 

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Topics: American manufacturing, oil, detergents, manufacturing

Does Corrosion Keep You Awake at Night? MFG4 Hartford 2012

Posted by Elaine Spitz on Jun 18, 2012 1:55:00 PM

We recently exhibited Intercept Technology Packaging at MFG4 in Hartford, CT, an event hosted and produced by SME (Society of Manufacturing Engineers), which provided a bird's eye view of amazing and innovative technology in the fields of medicine, aerospace, defense and energy. 

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Topics: American manufacturing, MFG4, anti-corrosion barrier packaging, trade show, SME

Packing in America - via Pack TV

Posted by Elaine Spitz on Mar 20, 2012 11:00:00 AM

We're delighted to present our recent interview with Pack TV's Simon Twilley, a man with a vision and a passion for all things packaging. We caught up with Simon a few weeks ago, when he asked us about Intercept Technology Packaging, what differentiates it from standard or traditional packaging, and which industries have embraced Intercept packaging.

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Topics: American manufacturing, anti-corrosion barrier packaging, packaging industry

Quality Manufacturing in America - Industrial Art

Posted by Joe Spitz on Nov 15, 2011 8:15:00 AM

I had the opportunity in the last few weeks to visit some factory floors. It is always thrilling for a curious man to view and hopefully participate in how things are made; the tools and equipment used, the noise of machine activity, laborers exerting, monitoring, being creative, deriving solutions, being productive; good old work fun. Because of the unique heavy duty barrier packaging we represent, Liberty Packaging has the opportunity to work with people at companies pursuing changes that help them become more environmentally safe while gaining cost savings. We help them by reviewing their processes to see if we can help things work better, easier, more efficiently. In my recent visits, these factory floors were busy and vibrant; very satisfying.

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Topics: American manufacturing, barrier packaging, quality

American Manufacturing - Free Trade and American Jobs

Posted by Joe Spitz on Nov 3, 2011 10:18:00 AM

Within the business journals I read most days (chiefly, Industrial News and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce), all in the business community seem to agree that the recent Free Trade Agreements with South Korea, Columbia, and Panama will be a boon for the United States’ economy. This enthusiasm is easily recognized when industry-leading businesses seem genuinely excited about this news. Here are some past quotes from prominent U.S. industry CEOs:

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Topics: American manufacturing, industrial packaging, heavy duty barrier packaging

Innovation in Organization

Posted by Elaine Spitz on Oct 20, 2011 10:45:00 AM

Liberty Packaging enjoys long-term affiliations with some first class innovative organizations. We've been involved with NDIA New England, IEEE, and ThomasNet (formerly Thomas Register) for many years, and more recently have joined forces with both SME and Women in Packaging.

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Topics: American manufacturing, IEEE, ThomasNet, SME

American Manufacturing - The Future Looks Bright

Posted by Elaine Spitz on Sep 27, 2011 7:00:00 AM

Anyone who has attended a trade show understands that exhibitors are there to woo potential clients who will be impressed enough to purchase their wares. It's about sales. Two weeks ago, I attended IMX 2011 – “The Interactive Manufacturing Experience” in Las Vegas, a new type of manufacturing-centered trade show, focused on educating the attendees. The over-arching message there was one of a promising future for American manufacturing. Of the exhibitors and attendees I met, all said their businesses had largely recovered from the mess of our economy, and each was there to participate in discussions about innovation moving forward. With about 5000 registered attendants, and exhibitors representing large and small manufacturing concerns, this IMX 2011 provides a good compass for our manufacturing future here in the U.S.

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Topics: American manufacturing, innovation in packaging

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