Liberty Intercept Blog

Packaging Innovation and Steve Jobs

Posted by Elaine Spitz on Sep 1, 2011 6:04:00 AM

There are 313 patents under the name "Apple" that include Steve Jobs' name on the inventor list. Including patents for packaging, according to a recent New York Times article by Shan Carter.

Are you surprised?

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Topics: American manufacturing, packaging innovation

The Beauty of Copper

Posted by Joe Spitz on Aug 4, 2011 6:59:00 AM

First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt wrote in her book "This is America" of Main Street in Hingham, Massachusetts, “This is the most beautiful main street in America.”  Historical Hingham was settled in 1633 and as I was driving one of its first roads recently, I realized it would be hard to disagree with her assessment. Big, beautiful, well-manicured homes are recessed from the street; stone walls built by craftsman mold into the contours of the land; old-growth trees shade the neighborhood.

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Topics: Copper, Intercept Technology packaging, American manufacturing

Reliability vs. Product Defects

Posted by Joe Spitz on Jun 16, 2011 7:16:00 AM

I had the opportunity to hear the vice president of a major computer company speak about reliability and the tactics they use to achieve increased product reliability.  Because human nature strives to keep things the same and views change as uncomfortable, he emphasized that the change process was long and arduous. This VP was brought in like the new sheriff arriving in Dodge City. It was apparent he had complete executive support to change this company’s operation and design systems; in doing so he would enact a change in its culture. It worked famously. Their return has been extraordinary; they achieved tremendous increases in product reliability which led to lowered cost of goods on every level of the corporation and a stronger reputation amongst their customers.

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Topics: American manufacturing, reliability, quality, cost of goods reduction

Good Packaging - Today's Examples

Posted by Elaine Spitz on May 26, 2011 5:33:00 AM

There's much experimentation going on in the packaging world. Focus on the environment and sustainability requires reworks, better materials, and enhanced features in retail and industrial packaging to ensure the highest freshness and viability of products during shipping, storage, and in use.

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Topics: American manufacturing, consumer products, good packaging matters, retail packaging

Intercept Packaging at EASTEC 2011 May 17 - 19

Posted by Elaine Spitz on May 12, 2011 4:58:00 AM

We're enthusiastic about our upcoming appearance as an exhibitor at EASTEC 2011 at the Eastern States Expo facility (home of The Big E) in Springfield, MA next week. Sponsored by the Society of Manufacturing Engineers, EASTEC 2011 – the East Coast's largest annual manufacturing event – is centered on five exhibit categories: Design, Engineering, and Rapid Technologies; Tooling, Workholding and Machining Accessories; Automation, Quality and Process Improvement; Plant, Energy, and Environmental Efficiency; and Precision Manufacturing Equipment and Systems.

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Topics: Intercept Technology packaging, American manufacturing, Liberty Packaging, EASTEC

Quality in American Manufacturing

Posted by Joe Spitz on Apr 26, 2011 4:46:00 AM

For well over a year, my brother-in-law Spencer has immersed himself in the artistic glass industry.  Spencer works, plays, talks, studies, teaches, and I’m sure dreams glass.  He has gone to glass work camps and seminars, where he has met and worked with some of Americas most renowned glass artists.  Though in the field for a relatively short time, intellectually curious Spencer is one who will learn as much as can absorbed about a particular topic.  He recently made the comment that American glass makers are some of the best in the world.  European glass artists may have the name and reputation, but the American artists are making very creative pieces as well.  Spencer is from Britain and in the 10 years I’ve known him, has shown a healthy pride for the European side.  It was kind of him to share his new found deep respect for this particular American craft.

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Topics: American manufacturing, art, quality

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