It seems to be a daily occurrence where there is news of a breach of some sort, into private lives, or a company's "secure" information, and most assuredly the classified information of our governments. It has been well reported that these are systematic attacks. As the world has become more intricately connected, with increasing individual anonymity, and more "treasures" available, opportunities for thieves to prosper abound.
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Liberty Intercept Blog
Anti-counterfeit Packaging Projections at $154 Billion by 2020
Posted by Elaine Spitz on Nov 10, 2016 1:07:13 PM
It seems to be a daily occurrence where there is news of a breach of some sort, into private lives, or a company's "secure" information, and most assuredly the classified information of our governments. It has been well reported that these are systematic attacks. As the world has become more intricately connected, with increasing individual anonymity, and more "treasures" available, opportunities for thieves to prosper abound.
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Forgery and Packaging
Posted by Elaine Spitz on May 21, 2013 9:40:00 PM
Forgers have been around since there have been things to forge; currency and art being the most sensationalized examples, but commercial goods make up the overwhelming bulk of forgeries. Recently, these types of forgeries have moved more into the mainstream and been accepted as part of modern culture. I find it compelling that we now willingly turn a blind eye to some forgeries (like the designer shoes pictured) because they appear as novelties, but we ignore the fact that billions of dollars (in merchandise and fake money as well as lost relics and works of art) are lost. Perhaps it is like a game: the forger vs. the world, with the goal to fool the masses.
Topics: anti-counterfeit