Liberty Intercept Blog

Your Lifeline in a Chaotic Supply Chain

Posted by Joe Spitz on Oct 11, 2024 1:47:10 PM

Navigating the Storm: Overcoming Supply Chain Disruptions with Intercept

Consider all the global supply chain problems the world has faced in recent years, including:

  • Recent Dock strikes: Labor disputes have led to delays in cargo handling.
  • Suez Canal and Red Sea blockages: Cause significant disruptions to maritime trade routes.
  • Storms and other weather events/natural occurrences.
  • Accidents: in 2024 a cargo ship crashed into a bridge column in Baltimore, causing the bridge to collapse and port closure for three months.
  • West Coast dock labor issues: COVID-related challenges and labor disputes have impacted port operations.
  • Trucking stalled: because of a lack of drivers due to COVID.
  • Major Logistics companies: Closing their doors for good.
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Topics: Intercept Technology packaging, barrier packaging, corrosion prevention, supply chain safety net, protective packaging, contamination

Condensation and Corrosion Control: Protect Product Integrity

Posted by Joe Spitz on Aug 16, 2024 1:39:48 PM

Condensation, often manifested as water droplets forming on cold surfaces in humid environments, poses a significant risk to product quality and longevity. This phenomenon is especially prevalent during shipping and storage, where temperature fluctuations are common. Any resulting condensation will accelerate corrosion, leading to product defects, performance issues, and financial losses.

Contaminants present on product surfaces exacerbate corrosion when combined with condensation to form an electrolytic solution. The rapid onset of corrosion can result in visible damage upon product unpacking, rendering products unusable or non-compliant with warranty terms. Even when corrosion is not yet visible to the eye, product failure is accelerated due to corrosion.

To mitigate the risks associated with condensation and corrosion, several preventive measures can be implemented:

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Topics: corrosion, corrosion prevention, seasonal corrosion, protective packaging, contamination

Contamination Testing

Posted by Joe Spitz on May 21, 2024 11:02:06 AM


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Topics: American manufacturing, better packaging, reliability, reasons for packaging, standard tests, contamination

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